Be A Souperhero
The Salvation Army
Camera Filters, Generated Images, Email Templates, Fundraising Website, iOS App, Landing Website
2017, 2016
Web Development

App & website mood overview. A souper fun and playful event, with a bold primary palette throughout.
I was responsible for styling the website and app, optimizing and simplifying the donation sequence, and gamifying the fundraising journey. Between event years, there was an ui/ux overhaul in the fundraising dashboard and profile pages. Some unique features include, a recipe listing, user generated images, selfie filters, and a connected social feed using a hashtag.

Home page hero depicting the souper mascots.

Signup sequence with a customizable user superhero name.

Strong fundraising total section.

Home page overview

About sections - how to earn gamified fundraising goals.

About sections - get involved.

Recipes section.

Other sections - Resources & FAQs

Hashtag generated social feed

Simple and clean footer with a large image.

Sub page example on desktop.

User profile page

Log in screen

Fundraising dashboard home screen

Donation sequence.

Be A Souperhero
The Salvation Army
Camera Filters, Generated Images, Email Templates, Fundraising Website, iOS App, Landing Website
2017, 2016
Web Development