Blue Moon Games
Blue Moon Games
Video Game
2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Art, UI/UX Design, Web Design

South Australian Games Expo (SAGE) 2023 - Presenting and helping with the booth for the game lure on Steam
I have been a part of Blue Moon Games working on multiple unreleased titles. Providing art, design, code help, website dev, and manning the booths at events.

South Australian Games Expo (SAGE) 2023 - Snippets of me from wide photo shots. I was the phototaker for the day so there wasn't any of me haha.

Blue Moon Games logo where I gave support with the brand
Unreleased Title #1

Art and assets made for un released game (#1). Some pictures blurred for spoiler.
Unreleased Title #2

Art and assets made for unreleased game (#2). Some pictures blurred for spoiler.

3D Lighthouse concept made for unreleased game (#2)
Blue Moon Games
Blue Moon Games
Video Game
2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
Art, UI/UX Design, Web Design